Construction Industry Scheme Workers

You may be eligible for a tax refund of over £2000 each year
You may be eligible for a tax refund of over £2000 each year

Construction Industry Scheme Workers

If you're registered under the CIS scheme you are required to submit a tax return to HMRC for each tax year. The benefit of doing so will usually mean you are guaranteed a refund of a minimum of £2,000 each tax year that you have worked in the scheme. This is because your personal allowance is not taken into consideration when you are paid for a job and you will have been taxed 20% on all your earnings.
You can also claim for job related expenses such as:
  • Care home fees
  • Taxation
  • Bankruptcy claims
  • Divorce settlements
  • Future marriages
  • Outstanding creditors
It's easy to get started... We need copies of CIS statements, P60 if applicable, UTR or CIS number, and for you to tell us about your expenses.

PAYE Construction Workers Claim Your Travel Expenses

If you are employed in the construction industry and pay tax under the PAYE scheme, you are likely to have incurred job related expenses such as travel from site to site in your own vehicle; tools purchased yourself for your job; lodgings and meals if away from home. You can claim for the last four tax years.
You will need your P60 information and to tell us about your expenses.

If you would like to arrange a free no obligation chat, click here. For more information on how we can help, email us on or call 0151 459 1300.
“The KLAS team were brilliant, and they managed to obtain a substantial tax refund, this I would never have achieved had it not been for the knowledge and expertise KLAS offer to their clients”

"We aim to become the trusted partners you can always rely on"

"We aim to become the trusted partners you can always rely on"

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